was an app for making online presentations with real-time polls and instant feedback from the audience. Initially, it was a hackathon project that had been running until it was shut down in 2018.
In 2024, I brought it back online as an ESM module for drawing polls and a limited real-time API powered by Cloudflare Workers and Durable Objects.
I became curious whether the Telegram spoiler effect could be recreated on the web. It turns out it can be, but I had to use the CSS Paint API to achieve proper text wrapping and reveal animation. Sadly, this is not yet supported in Safari and Firefox, so a static fallback is used instead — this is the best I could come up with.
I've published this as a standalone React component so you can use it in your projects, but be aware it's still experimental.
Whenever I meet someone, I hand them a POG. It's a small circular token with an NFC-chip that, when scanned, leads to my website. It's somewhat like a business card, but less formal.
I can track when someone scans a tag (anonymously), and it's enjoyable to see how these tokens travel around the world.